beyond the studio // April 19, 2011

Sony Internet TV Campaign

first tv . then internet . now Sony

Recently, W3-O was commissioned to roll out “Sony Internet TV” campaign for Sony Singapore, where we supported by localising/adaptating to the local medium.

Various ads for various medias
Various ads for various medias

Spot Sony Internet TV double-deckers through out the islandSpot Sony Internet TV double-deckers through out the island
Spot Sony Internet TV double-deckers through out the island

On the regional level, W3-O also supported Sony on their POP design and production for the campaign.
In-store collaterals
In-store collaterals

Brochure holder
Brochure Holder

Keep a look out for all these materials in Asia Pacific region. You will be able to see some billboards and other interesting stuff done by local Sony Sales companies, for example the one that we spotted in Jakarta, Indonesia, and their latest TV Commercial.

Sony Internet TV Billboard in Jakarta
Sony Internet TV Billboard in Jakarta

Commercial Ad

However, there is one thing that you should really check out – the new range of Sony Internet TV! They are truly awesome! Television is truly redefined now!

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